Microsoft je najavio 32 nove indie igre koje će u sklopu ID@Xbox programa stići na Xbox One.
Igre koje ćemo uskoro moći zaigrati na Xbox One konzolama su sljedeće:
- The Toilet Chronicles
- Soccertron
- Fermi’s Path
- Quantum Rush: Champions
- The Bridge
- Deathtrap
- Blues and Bullets – Episode 1
- Blast ‘Em Bunnies
- Bailar Latino
- The Great Emoticon
- Dark Raid Bot Wars
- Bacon Man
- Spaera
- Space Dust Racers
- Munch Time 2
- Raging Justice
- Sword Coast Legends
- Prismatica
- Gemini
- Tachyon Project
- Zenith
- Phantasmal: City of Darkness
- Super Rude Bear Resurrection
- Glitchrunners
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
- Planet of the Eyes
- Leo’s Fortune
- Shiny
- Ostrich Island: Escape from Paradise
- Hush
- Neonchrome Alpha.
Microsoft je objavio i trailere za svaku od igara, no kako vas ne bismo sada zatrpali s čak 32 trailera, iste možete vidjeti na službenom Xbox YouTube kanalu.
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