Iako mu je Witcher 3 pokupio gotovo sve nagrade ispred nosa, Fallout 4 ipak neće ostati kratkih rukava kada su u pitanju nagrade za najbolu igru prošle godine. Naime, pod pokroviteljstvom Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences održana je 19. po redu DICE Awards manifestacija, a glavna zvijezda večeri bio je upravo Bethesdin Fallout 4.
Fallout je proglašen igrom godine, našavši se tako ispred hitova kao što su Bloodborne, Ori and the Blind Forest, Rise of the Tomb Raider i gorespomenuti The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Donosimo vam i kompletan popis pobjednika:
- Action Game of the Year: Star Wars Battlefront
- Fighting Game of the Year: Mortal Kombat X
- Family Game of the Year: Super Mario Maker
- Mobile Game of the Year: Fallout Shelter
- Outstanding Character: lara Croft – Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Lifetime Achievement Award – Satoru Iwata
- Oustanding Original Music: Ori and the Blind Forest
- Outstanding Sound Design: Star Wars Battlefront
- Outstanding Story: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Outstanding Technical Achievement: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Outstanding Animation: Ori and the Blind Forest
- Outstanding Art Direction: Ori and the Blind Forest
- RPG/MMORPG Game of the Year: Fallout 4
- Strategy Game of the Year: Heroes of the Storm
- Hall of Fame Award: Hideo Kojima
- Sports Game of the Year: Rocket League
- Racing Game of the Year: Forza Motorsport 6
- Outstanding Online Gameplay: Rocket league
- Handheld Game of the Year: Helldivers
- Technical Impact Award: Microsoft Visual Basic
- Adventure Game of the Year: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Sprite Award: Rocket League
- Outstanding Achievement in Game Design: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Oustanding Achievement in Game Direction: Fallout 4
- Game of the Year: Fallout 4.
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