Sony je najavio novi besplatan naslov za Instant Game Collection – Square Enixov Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Bit će besplatan svim pretplatnicima PlayStation Plusa od sutra pa do početka kolovoza. Ovdje je ostatak ovotjednog updatea:
- 50% off Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC exclusively for PlayStation Plus subscribers for the next two weeks:
- Explosive Mission pack contains an additional bonus mission, Tong’s Rescue, the Remote-Detonated Explosive Device and the Automatic Unlocking Device.
- The Explosive Mission and Tactical Enhancement pack contains all of the above, plus the Double-Barrel Shotgun, the Silenced Sniper Rifle and 10,000 extra in-game credits.
- The Missing Link pack adds a whole new section of the campaign that covers the events that take place while Adam Jensen is missing for three days during the game.
- Original Deus Ex also discounted by 50%
The Instant Game Collection
PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection
Drugih 6 naslova dostupnih za download pretplatnicima PlayStation Plusa.
- Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine – dostupan do 18. srpnja 2012.
- Chime Super Deluxe – dostupan do 18. srpnja 2012.
- Darksiders – dostupan do 15. kolovoza 2012.
- Renegade Ops – dostupan do 15 kolovoza 2012.
- Outland – dostupan do 12. rujna 2012.
- Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD – dostupan do 12. rujna 2012.
Tijekom idućih 52 tjedana, kad god uključite u PlayStation Plus bit će vam dostupni ovi naslovi – bilo kada tijekom idućih godinu dana dokle god se pretplatite.
- inFamous 2
- Motorstorm Apocalypse
- LittleBigPlanet 2
- Dungeon Twister – 50% niža cijena do 18. srpnja
- Rainbow Moon – 20% niža cijena do 18. srpnja
New Avatars
- Robo Transmitter
- Robo Cyclops
- Hockey Mask
- Evil Graffiti Mouse
- Evil Graffiti Cat
- Crazy Television Avatars
Dynamic Themes
- Summer Games Dynamic theme
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