Objavljen je popis nonimacija ovogodišnjeg British Academy Game Awardsa (skraćeno BAFTA), koji će se održati 12. ožujka.
Kada je u pitanju broj nominacija, Sonyjeva PS3 ekskluziva The Last of Us, potpuno očekivano vodi. Naime, spomenuta igra ima čak 10 nominacija, uključujući i one za najbolju igru, najbolji dizajn, artističko dostignuće i izvedbu. Odmah iza Naughty Dogove višestruko nagrađivane igre, nalazi se, također potpuno očekivano, Grand Theft Auto V, koji ima jednu nominaciju manje. Uz ove dvije spomenute igre, vrijedi spomenuti i još nekolicinu naslova koji su obilježili ove nominacije, poput PS Vita ekskluzive Tearaway (osam nominacija) te igara Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, Bioshock Infinite, Super Mario 3D World, The Stanley Parable i Papers, Please, koje su skupile po četiri nominacije.
Za kraj, donosimo vam popis svih nominacija.
Action & Adventure
- Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Badland (Frogmind)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games / Warner Bros)
- Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Artistic Achievement
- Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dreams / SCEE)
- BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games / 2K Games)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Level 5 / Namco Bandai Games)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
Audio Achievement
- Battlefield 4 (DICE / Electronic Arts)
- BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games / 2K Games)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Best Game
- Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
British Game
- DmC Devil May Cry (Ninja Theory / Capcom)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Gunpoint (Suspicious Developments)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games / Warner Bros)
- The Room Two (Fireproof Games)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
Debut Game
- Badland (Frogmind)
- Castles in the Sky (The Tall Trees)
- Gone Home (The Fullbright Company)
- Gunpoint (Suspicious Developments)
- Remember Me (Dontnod Entertainment / Capcom)
- The Stanley Parable (Galactic Cafe)
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Starbreeze Studios / 505 Games)
- Rayman Legends (Ubisoft Montpellier / Ubisoft)
- Skylanders Swap Force (Toys for Bob / Activision)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
Game Design
- Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix)
Game Innovation
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Starbreeze Studios / 505 Games)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- The Stanley Parable (Galactic Cafe)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Year Walk (Simogo)
Mobile & Handheld
- Badland (Frogmind)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- Plants vs Zombies 2 (PopCap Games / Electronic Arts)
- Ridiculous Fishing (Vlambeer)
- The Room Two (Fireproof Games)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Battlefield 4 (DICE / Electronic Arts)
- DOTA 2 (Valve / Valve)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- The Last Of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- World of Tanks (Wargaming.net)
- Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft)
- Beyond: Two Souls (Quantic Dreams / SCEE)
- BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games / 2K Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Super Mario 3D World (Nintendo / Nintendo)
- Tearaway (Media Molecule / SCEE)
- Ashley Johnson (Ellie) – The Last of Us
- Courtnee Draper (Elizabeth) – BioShock Infinite
- Ellen Page (Jodie) – Beyond: Two Souls
- Kevan Brighting (The Narrator) – The Stanley Parable
- Steven Ogg (Trevor Phillips) – Grand Theft Auto V
- Troy Baker (Joel) – The Last of Us
- F1 2013 (Codemasters / Codemasters)
- FIFA 14 (EA Canada / Electronic Arts)
- Football Manager 2014 (Sports Interactive / SEGA)
- Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 / Microsoft Studios)
- GRID 2 (Codemasters / Codemasters)
- NBA 2K14 (Visual Concepts / 2K Games)
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Starbreeze Studios / 505 Games)
- Gone Home (The Fullbright Company)
- Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)
- The Last of Us (Naughty Dog / Sony Computer Entertainment)
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Level 5 / Namco Bandai Games)
- The Stanley Parable (Galactic Cafe)
Strategy & Simulation
- Civilization V: Brave New World (Firaxis Games/2K Games)
- Democracy 3 (Positech Games)
- Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 / Microsoft Studios)
- Papers, Please (Lucas Pope / 3909 LLC)
- Surgeon Simulator 2013 (Bossa Studios)
- XCOM: Enemy Within (Firaxis Games / 2K Games).
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