Sjajna vijest za sve PC igrače koji žele odigrati neke klasične i kultne PlayStation 2 igre na svojim računalima. Tim ljudi koji je zaslužan za najbolji PS2 emulator, PCSX2, izbacio je novu stabilnu verziju. S tom verzijom konačno su intergrirani community wide screen patchevi za nešto manje od 1200 igara kako bi se one pravilno izvodile u 16:9 aspect ratiu.
U nastavku možete pročitati sve ključne promjene koje je donjela nova verzija PCSX2 emulatora:
- microVU fixes for Dreamworks games, later Tony Hawks games, Evil Dead and others
- Fixes to New GIF unit to solve regressions
- microVU bugs fixed (affecting Extreme-G Racing and others)
- CDVD fixes (Impossible Mission now boots)
- Path 3 arbitration and timing refinements
- MFIFO fixes for DDR games
- Huge DMAC bug fix solving most of the problematic videos. (Baldurs Gate 2, Katamari Damacy and more)
- Memory card support improved in many games, now supports PSX memory cards also Multitap support improved greatly
- Many game fixes for COP2 problems inherent with emulation. (Ace Combat, Forbidden Siren and others)
- VIF Unpack optimizations
- VU Delays added to fix the graphics of Snowblind engine games (Champions of Norrath, Baldurs Gate 2)
- Various other game specific fixes in GameDB
- NVM file creation (if one doesn’t exist) now fills in iLink ident. (Age of Empires 2)
- Improved DMA system
- Fixes to reverb
- Improved time-stretcher recovery on extreme speed changes.
- Portaudio (providing WASAPI in Windows, ALSA/+OSS in Linux) now supported and the default output module. Latencies with this mode are lower than other modules
- Improved adapter selection for detecting of videocards
- CLUT (Color LookUp Table) fixes for games such as Disney Golf
- Texture Offset options added to help improve upscaling artifacts
- OpenGL mode added (Experimental currently)
- Various CRC hacks
- Hack for NVIDIA cards, solves problems with stretching on drivers above 320.18
- New shader resources! Complete PCSX2 FX Revised 2.0 by Asmodean has been integrated
- Improved support for online play and make the users MAC address unique.
- Support for external patch (pnach) files
OnePad changes:
- Bugfixes for multiple button presses
- Bugfixed memory leaks
- Added support for MESA drivers
- Bump OpenGL requirement to 3.0 with floating texture
- Various OpenGL fixes
- Added SDL Backend
- The PCSX2 executable has been built and tested with PGO optimizations enabled so it will be an extra 10% faster over regular SVN builds.”
Svi zainteresirani emulator mogu skinuti sa njegove službene stranice.
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