Electronic Artsov i DICE-ov nadolazeći Star Wars Battlefront reboot proglašen je najboljom igrom na Gamescomu. Osvojeno je pet nagrada za najbolju igru na Gamescoma, najiščekivaniju igru od strane igrača, najbolju PlayStation igru, najbolju PC igru i najbolju Online Multiplayer igru.
Osim što je vizualno impresivan, Star Wars Battlefront će sadržavati Supremacy mode s velikim mapama koji će zadovoljiti fanove tj. ljubitelje Battlefield Conquest načina igre.
Popis igara koje su dobile nagrade donosimo u cijelosti.
Best of gamescom
Star Wars Battlefront (Electronic Arts)
Most Wanted Consumer Award
Star Wars Battlefront (Electronic Arts)
Best Console Game Sony Playstation
Star Wars Battlefront (Electronic Arts)
Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Konami Digital Entertainment)
Best Console Game Nintendo Wii
Super Mario Maker (Nintendo)
Best Role Playing Game
Dark Souls 3 (Bandai Namco Entertainment)
Best Racing Game
Forza Motorsport 6 (Microsoft)
Best Action Game
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Konami Digital Entertainment)
Best Simulation Game
Forza Motorsport 6 (Microsoft)
Best Sports Game
PES 2016 (Konami Digital Entertainment)
Best Family Game
LEGO Dimensions (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
Best Strategy Game
Unravel (Electronic Arts)
Best PC Game
Star Wars Battlefront (Electronic Arts)
Best Mobile Game (incl. Handheld, iOS, Android, Windows)
Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (Nintendo)
Best Social / Casual / Online Game
Super Mario Maker (Nintendo)
Best Online Multiplayer Game
Star Wars Battlefront (Electronic Arts)
Best Hardware (incl. Peripheral)
HTC Vive (HTC)
Best Indie
Cuphead (Studio MDHR)
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