Dobra vijest za sve one koji igraju F2P MMOFPS Survarium – stigao je novi update, a isti donosi hrpu poboljšanja i dodataka.
Vostok Games je pomalo olakšao igru, smanjujući količinu experience i reputation poena potrebnih za ostvarivanje pojedinih levela u igri. Trenutna količina experiencea i reputationa postojećih igrača rekalkulirana je i prilagođena ostatku igre. Borba i njezina mehanika također su doživjele sitne promjene. Sada ne postoje ograničenja vezana za količinu streljiva koje je moguće iskoristiti u jednoj borbi, no zato je ograničena količina streljiva koje igrači mogu nositi u svojim naprtnjačama.
Ovo su samo neka od poboljšanja koja ovaj patch donosi, a ispod pogledajte kompletan popis onoga što se u njemu nalazi.
- Added new game mode – “Research”;
- Changed factions missions system. Now players are offered three random missions a day. Received the award depends on the medal player got for completing a mission: bronze, silver or gold;
- Added rewards for successful actions in battle;
- Changed the amount of experience, reputation and silver given to the player for actions in battle;
- Added the ability to select the desired game mode for random battles;
- Bonus for achieving first three wins in a day removed from the game;
- Added a bleeding effect to critical damage of the torso;
- Gunshot wounds and traps can cause bleeding, the chance depends on worn equipment and type of ammunition;
- Now equipment can have a random modifier “protection from bleeding”;
- Onyx Artifact: the force of the active effect reduced from 95% to 50% damage absorption;
- Reduced damage drop over distance for all sniper weapons;
- Reduced chance of critical failure by maintaining low wear on player’s equipment;
- Changed the mechanics of piercing of surfaces: now the chance of piercing and damage depends on the angle of entry of the bullet;
- Changed damage and armor-piercing modifiers for ammo to balance the change in the mechanics of piercing;
- Revised the formula for calculating the chance of finding an item during Team Deathmatch;
- Repair cost increased to 20% of the base value of the item;
- Equipment sale cost in the shop is reduced to 15% of the base value of the item;
- Now repair cost and sale price of an item depends on the number of positive modifiers.
Equipment and weapons:
- Added new premium shotgun NeoStead 2000,AK-74U “Corsair”, AK-74N ’82 , AKM ’65, Vepr-12 Molot, AK-12 M1, SKS-MF, Vepr “Wanderer”, ” Saiga-12C, the VSK-94 “Guardian”;
- Added new types of medicines;
- Purchase of ammunition no longer requires reputation, all types of ammunition are available immediately;
- VSS: distance increased to 100;
- IZH-27 Lancaster: damage increased to 110, aiming increased to 0.35;
- SOCOM 16: damage reduced to 75, fire rate reduced to 250, magazine size increased to 20;
- SR-3M Vikhr: magazine size increased to 30;
- SOCOM moved to the 13th level of equipment;
- A Scavengers’ chemical protection set moved to equipment tier 3 and now requires “Experienced” rank of reputation;
- Antitoxin is now available for sale only at The Fringe Settlers’;
- PP-19-01 “Vityaz” moved to 5th level of equipment. Damage increased to 45;
- The Renaissance Army’s assault armor set moved to 10th level of equipment and now requires the rank of “Warrant Officer”;
- The Fringe Settlers’ stalker armor set moved to 10th level of equipment and now requires the rank “Devoted”;
- Due to the change in level of equipment the basic cost of some items also changed;
Black market:
- AKS-74U: damage reduced to 45;
The Fringe Settlers:
- New weapon: Saiga-12 (12 level);
- SKS: damage reduced to 60;
- ASH-12: fire rate increased to 600, stopping power increased to 80%;
- 9A-91: distance increased to 50;
- Bulletproof Vest “Pilgrim”: added pockets capacity +2;
- Pants “Pilgrim”: slot for items replaced with artifact container, modifier added to reduce power consumption;
The Renaissance Army:
- New weapon: PKP Pecheneg (15 level);
- New weapon: Vepr-12 (12 level);
- New weapon: SOK-94 (level 6);
- AK-12: damage reduced to 50, marksmanship to 40;
User Interface:
- Added a percentage display of the General state of health;
- Added a window that displays the distribution of weapons and equipment on the reputation levels of the groups;
- Removed display of ammunition from shop and storage;
- Now when accomplishing actions that reward experience, reputation or money in battle, the player will receive a short text message (can be disabled in the game settings);
- Added display of how much experience and reputation you need to get the next level in the results window of the battle;
Bug Fix:
Fixed numerous resync issues and crashes.
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