Square Enix je u sklopu promocije skorašnjeg Final Fantasy VII Remakea najavio kako će svi PS Plus pretplatnici/ice dobiti poseban poklon-dinamičnu temu za svoje PlayStation sučelje.
Dobili smo i prezentaciju druge dvije PS teme koje će uskoro biti dostupne na PS Storeu, točnije, od 10. travnja.
The second of three dynamic #PS4 theme we'd like to show you today focuses on the city of Midgar in #FinalFantasy VII Remake and also features our main protagonist Cloud Strife!
This will be available for free to all PS+ users soon! #FF7R pic.twitter.com/qmCbpTDnEW
— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) March 13, 2020
We've shown off two dynamic #PS4 themes today and here's a third. This Sephiroth theme is available as a pre-order bonus with https://t.co/ThA10iWA8z in the US, and at various retailers throughout Europe.
Stay tuned for a closer look at some other #FF7R themes in the future. pic.twitter.com/mp48OvNC2c
— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) March 13, 2020
Square Enixovci su predstavili na Twitteru prvu od tri teme koje će uskoro izaći, a na kojoj se izmjenjuju slike Midgara te Clouda i ostatka družine koji će imati ulogu u prvom dijelu remakea.
The second of three dynamic #PS4 theme we'd like to show you today focuses on the city of Midgar in #FinalFantasy VII Remake and also features our main protagonist Cloud Strife!
This will be available for free to all PS+ users soon! #FF7R pic.twitter.com/qmCbpTDnEW
— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) March 13, 2020
Final Fantasy VII Remake izlazi 10. travnja za PlayStation 4.
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