Tijekom današnje Gamescom Microsoft konferencije Xbox team je potvrdio popis nadolazećih Xbox One launch naslova. Sretni vlasnici Xbox One konzola moći će prvi dan birati između sljedećih igara:
- Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag (Ubisoft, Ubisoft)
- Battlefield 4 (DICE, Electronic Arts)*(First Assault DLC dolazi prvo na Xbox One)
- Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward, Activision)*(sav DLC dolazi prvo na Xbox One)
- Crimson Dragon (Grounding/Land Ho!, Microsoft Studios)
- Dead Rising 3 (Capcom Vancouver, Microsoft)
- FIFA 14 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)* (Fifa Ultimate Team mod ekskluzivan za Xbox One)
- Fighter Within (AMA Ltd., Ubisoft)
- Forza Motorsport 5 (Turn 10 Studios, Microsoft Studios)
- Just Dance 2014 (Ubisoft Paris, Ubisoft)
- Killer Instinct (Double Helix, Microsoft Studios)
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (TT Games, Warner Bros. Interactive)
- Lococycle (Twisted Pixel, Microsoft Studios)
- Madden NFL 25 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
- NBA 2K14 (Visual Concepts, 2K Sports)
- NBA LIVE 14 (EA Sports, Electronic Arts)
- Need for Speed: Rivals (Ghost Games, Electronic Arts)
- Peggle 2 (Popcap, Electronic Arts)* (Timed ekskluziva)
- Powerstar Golf (Zoe Mode, Microsoft Studios)
- Ryse: Son of Rome (Crytek, Microsoft Studios)
- Skylanders: Swap Force (Vicarious Visions, Activision)
- Watch Dogs (Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft)
- Zoo Tycoon (Frontier Developments Ltd., Microsoft Studios)
- Zumba Fitness: World Party (Zoë Mode, Majesco)
Napomena: boldane igre su eksluzive za Xbox One platformu, bold+* su timed ekskluzive ili imaju (timed) ekskluzivan DLC.
Kao što je moguće vidjeti, igre s popisa su dosta raznolike, svaki igrač će prilično lako pronaći svojeg osobnog favorita radi kojeg će kupiti konzolu odmah prvi dan.
Izvor: Xbox.com
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